Key Principles
- Openness and transparency: publish an annual House of Story Wear ESG and impact report
- Ethical procurement: all brands should have well documented and published ESG policies
- Zero cruelty: House of Story Wear does not use, source or sell any products that are harmful to or tested on animals
- Vegetarianism: House of Story Wear does not does not use, source or sell any meat products
- Waste reduction: provide second-hand clothing repair services and recycled packaging materials
- Recycling service: provide clothing rental, second-hand clothing recycling and sales
House of Story Wear's annual ESG and impact report covers the following metrics:
- Energy and water use and carbon emissions
- Business waste disposal and improvement measures
- Recycling measures for packaging materials and other supplies
- Suppliers environmental awareness and related guidelines
- Guidelines for the sourcing of cruelty-free products
- Diversity, equity & inclusion performance
- Workplace health and safety standards
- Employee salary and benefits standards and satisfaction
- Code of conduct for House of Story Wear and suppliers
- Local community relations and investment
- Operational risk management best practices
- Corporate sustainability purpose and communication
- Supply chain traceability and environmental and social impact
- Transparency of business management and public disclosure
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals setting and progress